Millionaire Detective: [SPOILER] Makes a Bloody Return

This week, someone unexpected returns from the grave.

millionaire detective

Millionaire Detective began as a light-hearted, almost ridiculous, show with Daisuke flaunting his bank account with reckless abandon. However, recent episodes have taken a darker tone with the mystery of his parents' deaths hanging in the air. Our detectives can't seem to get to the bottom of things and, to make matters worse, a few characters who were pivotal in the investigation 19 years ago finally say goodbye.

This episode, Daisuke spent close to 800 million yen.

The Third Laboratory

millionaire detective anime

Takei is interrogated inside the Kambe mansion at Daisuke's insistence that the police aren't to be trusted. Haru brings back all of Cho-san's old files from the Modern Crimes department and starts doing research into the Kambe family. They discover that Daisuke's father was part of the Third Laboratory -- a location that doesn't currently exist -- and was researching adollium.

Unfortunately, HEUSC is still being its unhelpful self and refuses to tell Daisuke anything regarding his parents. Takei isn't talking either but it seems to be out of fear of retribution more than anything. Cho-san deduces that Director Saiki was killed to prevent him from speaking out and that Takei knows something about the locker that the key unlocks. Takei keeps insisting that he cannot say anything with the only change being a small panic attack when he's asked to look at a line-up of photos for the person who opened the locker.

Working Around HEUSC

millionaire detective anime

Suzue figures out that HEUSC is working against them and, when Daisuke gets home, drags him to a bedroom and throws the covers over the two of them in the guise of a heated romantic moment. Under the covers, she whispers that she thinks HEUSC is erasing information and that the AI system is not only listening in on them but is also lip-reading.

From the photo that Cho-san kept for almost two decades, Suzue, Daisuke and Haru manage to figure out that the Third Laboratory is located in the basement of Daisuke's childhood summer villa which is now used as a test site for drones and robots. While Haru and Daisuke infiltrate the villa, Suzue, Cho-san and Takei remain at the family mansion with the two detectives sequestered in the room that Takei has been in for the past 30-something hours. Suzue configures a touch-recognition screen so Cho-san can use an emergency evacuation if needed.

Daisuke's Memories

millionaire detective anime

Interspersed throughout the episode are Daisuke's memories of when his parents were still together. He remembers that, at the villa, he played quite happily with them, though his parents often fought about his father's research. Shigemaru tells Sayuri that he won't let anyone get in his way of his research. He remembers running back to his mother's house on one rainy night and discovering her lying in a pool of blood. A shadow stands over her, a knife glistening in his hand -- it's Daisuke's father. Now an adult, Daisuke asks his grandmother to confirm what he remembers from his past: did his father kill his mother and then commit suicide out of guilt? What does she know about adollium? His grandma warns him not to get involved.

Haru and Daisuke head to the villa and, while Haru distracts the security guards with the help of a weapon-filled pack, Suzue and Daisuke infiltrate the Third Laboratory. Right at that moment, an intruder arrives at the Kambe family mansion -- something Daisuke, Suzue and Cho-san planned for: Takei and Cho-san would act as decoys while Daisuke is investigating the Third Laboratory.

A Last Stand

millionaire detective anime

At the sight of the intruder, Suzue immediately puts down the firewalls but, to her horror, the intruder is using voice and iris recognition to break through them -- something only the superusers of the Kambe family can do. A familiar name flashes on the enormous screen and Suzue's eyes widen: Shigemaru Kambe, Daisuke's supposedly-dead father.

It's clear that the intruder is after Cho-san and Takei: if Daisuke returns home, he can shut down the firewalls. But with how quickly the intruder is moving and how far Daisuke and Haru are now, even if they use a helicopter, they might not make it. Despite Suzue's best efforts, the control system gets shut down, so she heads over to where Cho-san and Takei are. Ignoring Haru's pleas, Daisuke goes into the lab, watches the surveillance footage and discovers someone was there before him: his father.

Takei begs Cho-san to run but the older detective calmly pours another drink, wishing out loud that his last drink was Japanese sake. The door beeps and the intruder enters the chamber, having knocked out Suzue. Cho-san tells Takei to make a run for it using the escape hatch -- he'll stay here. But in a final act of courage, Takei chooses to stand alongside his former mentor as they face off against the intruder who pulls out a long knife.

Cho-san and Takei's bodies are wheeled out of the mansion and ,as Kiyomizu mourns his friend, his eyes catch sight of a bloodied set of handcuffs and a single die -- Cho-san's last clue before his death.

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