Dr. Stone Manga : To Survive, Senku Needs to Date

In Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 163, Senku unexpectedly finds himself in a situation where he may need to begin a romantic relationship.

dr stone anime

Not long ago, Senku was shot by Stanley and only survived due to the efforts of Luna. Now, with the Kingdom of Science drilling an underground passage to Xeno's castle, the attention moves to supremacy on water and in air. But their time to prepare is running out -- Xeno only needs two days to finish whatever he's planning, and at its end, it may mean death not just for Senku but for the entire crew of the Perseus. To get blueprints to Xeno's castle and keep himself alive, Senku unexpectedly finds himself in a situation where he may need to begin a romance with Luna.

dr stone ch 163 opening

The chapter opens with Ryusui and Kaseki discussing their precarious situation: the drill may have found success in making its way towards Xeno's castle, but the aircraft carrier and their place still needs finishing to compete with their enemy's military might. Senku gives instructions on the finishing touches in bed and realizes he needs to get back into fighting shape for the war to come. Luna later checks on Senku with a stethoscope, and admires his ability to have come this far from primitive beginnings. It's there that her suspicions are confirmed: Senku is the scientist, not Taiju.

Senku's lung seems to sound weaker, indicating that blood is pooling there. Luna needs to draw out the blood with a syringe and find someone who has blood type AB for a transfusion, but the prospect of stabbing someone -- even if it's for medical reasons -- seems to scare her. She says that she has a request for Senku that can get her through drawing blood. Senku expects her to ask for the complete surrender of the Kingdom of Science, but she asks instead if Senku can be her boyfriend after he gets better.

luna request ch 163

Meanwhile, Hyoga and Tsukasa realize that they need a map of Xeno's castle. If they tunnelled into the barracks, they would instantly be killed. Taiju asks Carlos if he can draw them some blueprints, but Carlos points out that they're enemies and so he can't do that. Moments later, he changes his mind as Luna calls the group to tell them that Senku's now her boyfriend. Citing his and Max's devotion to Luna, Carlos instantly changes his position and draws a detailed, floor-by-floor layout of the castle. Noting that Gen is in there (albeit imprisoned), Hyoga thinks that the mentalist can help them once they get to the castle and decides to send a cipher to him.

They send their plan to Gen, who immediately realizes it's encrypted with the Uesugi cipher -- a code that the Americans are unfamiliar with and won't be able to solve. Gen receives the message and grows smug, but glee turns quickly into horror when he hears Xeno shout in joy: "Incredible, Dr. Brody! Truly elegant! Our project for the final battle will be put into action the day after tomorrow!" They're worrying words for Gen -- as brilliant as Senku and company are, it's evident that Xeno is far more experienced in using science for military purposes.

dr stone anime

Luna discusses with Francois what "dating" means, expressing confidence that Senku wouldn't date her just to accomplish his goals. That sentiment, to her chagrin, is very quickly shut down as others explain that Senku went as far as marriage and divorce just to further his goals. Of course, they're referring to Ruri. But outside, Stanley is flying a plane towards their location. Ryusui and a (mostly) recovered Senku prepare to engage him with their own aircraft.

For some, the prospect of Senku entering a romantic phase might appear to break his asexual image. Press Allow for More Exciting Anime NEWs and Facts

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